Head: Wendy Clark
Kenisha Clarke
Angela Morgan
Noeline Blackwood-Spencer
Petunia Nugent
Andrea Small
Rose Moriah
Women’s ministries upholds, encourages, and challenges women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His church. Its objectives are to foster spiritual growth and renewal; affirm that women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption, equip them for service, and offer women’s perspectives on church issues; minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs, with regard for multicultural and multiethnic perspectives; cooperate with other departments to facilitate ministry to women and of women; build good will among women to encourage mutual support and creative exchange of ideas; mentor and encourage women and create paths for their involvement in the church; and find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to further global mission. Women’s Ministries Leader and Committee—The elected women’s ministries leader develops specific ministries to nurture women and equip them for service. She serves as chairperson of the women’s ministries committee and encourages ideas and plans that maximize women’s contributions to the mission of the Church.
Past Events |
North American Division Women's Ministry Department